Implementation in transport logistics
Logistics involves the movement of the required quantity of goods to the
particular point of destination along the optimum route within the requested
timeframe and at the lowest cost. Constant logistical process monitoring
throughout its duration, including supplementary information concerning the
services rendered and financial settlements, is equally important for the
consignee and for the supplier managing their cargo flow. The web interface
makes all aspect of the logistical process available online on a 24/7 basis.
The web interface of the logistical facility can provide the following
- Shipping requests and provisional estimate of the transportation
- Registration of cargo shipping orders, monitoring of the status of
the cargo, its history and changes
- Recording of the services rendered; automatic calculation of the
cost of services on the basis of rates, issuing of standardized
documents (invoices, certificates of services rendered, verification
- Planning of the cargo movement along the route and real-time
updating of information about cargo location
- Placement of shipping documentation templates
- Any other functionalities needed that exist in the principal
More detailed information about solutions for transport logistics is available
CargoPro-Multi: multimodal freight forwarding;
CargoPro-RF: rail forwarding;
Cargo Pro: consolidated cargoes;
Road-transport forwarding;
Railway freight forwarding;
Railcars Management;
Print documents CMR, SMGS, EVR.